Monday, July 13, 2009

UGH I think I need to vent!

So my husband (Hubs), that I lived apart from for a little over a year, has been staying with me for the past few weeks. Things have been going ok for the most part (other than him not coming home until very late some of the time and him being very messy). We do have to keep it under wraps for right now (which I don't agree with) because the mother (who I will now refer to as Crazy) of his daughter would seriously try to kill me and possibly not let my husband see his daughter. I have tried to get past it for the moment to keep the peace and so that we can work on our relationship which seems to be working a little at a time. But I am just getting so frustrated! And I think that he is as well.

I mean he is letting this stupid chick runs his life and, in turn, mine too! Crazy is basically holding his daughter over his head as some sort of bargaining pawn. If she even thinks that I am in close proximity to him she limits the time or place he can see his daughter. I have yet to meet the most important thing is his life because of her immaturity. She knows that he wants nothing to do with her as far as a relationship goes. She had her chance with him and she blew it. I am pretty sure that if she wasn't the bi%^& that she is we would be divorced and he would be with her now even if it were just for the child's sake. So why can Crazy just not let him go and move on from her?

I truly love my husband and honestly I just want him to be happy. If that isn't with me then I would want him to leave and move on and find someone that did make him happy. Why can she not be the same way?

Doesn't the saying go "If you love some one set them free and if they come back you know its meant to be" (or something to that effect)? Well I have done that and he has come back so its apparent to me that we are supposed to be together. Why does she have to get in the way of that?

And what makes it worse is his parents. They have seemed to turn against me all of the sudden. Ever since the baby was born they have totally cut me from their lives. They have even told some people that I am his ex. His mom has almost befriended Crazy too. She has taken her to dinner and had her and the baby over for Sunday lunch. Where was Hubs when all this was going on? With me. He has even told them not to talk to her.

Its almost like they want what has worked for them to work for Hubs as well.
See Hubs' mom got pregnant by his dad before they got married and they are still together almost 30 years later. But that is very rare and doesn't work for everyone. I am pretty sure it wont work for them because for one he cant stand to be around her and for two ME.

We are still married and aren't even legally separated. Not to mention we have no money for divorce. Even if I had the money I would be more likely to help him fight for custody of the baby than pay for a divorce.

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