Friday, July 31, 2009

Whore by association

Did you know this was possible? To be a whore but only by association?? Well apparently this is what I am according to Hubs.

See he says that my friends are whores (which they are not, they don't prostitute or sleep around). Yes, they do go out quite often and do hang out or occasionally go on a date with different guys but they are single and can do that! Yes, if I did these things then I guess you could consider me a whore since I am not single. But I don't do this! In fact I have never even "been with" anyone other than Hubs or even been on a date with another guy. I have never even given or taken (OK there was that one time that my mom wrote down this guys phone number for me, but that doesn't count) a phone number!

Anyways, Hubs says that since they are "whores" and I hang out with them I am thus considered to be a whore. I think that this philosophy is very wrong! I think that he is confusing me with himself! Because he is a man whore.

Ahh radio, how I have missed thee

About 8 months ago I was an idiot and left the gas cap off after getting gas late one night. I figured this out after about a month of freaking out because my check engine light was on and I didnt know why. Well, the Hubs bought me a new gas cap and I though it would be fine. But that annoying little orange light was still on!

(I hate those lights and I buckle and take off the emergency brake solely to make those lights go off)

The only way I knew how to make it go off was to disconnect and reconnect the battery. So I did that and the light did go off(!) but it also reset the radio! I thought that I could just turn it back on but noooooo, I needed some 5 digit code!(stupid Japanese import security crap) I looked all through my owner's manuel and could not find it so I asked the Hubs about it and he said that I would have to take the radio out to get some serial number then call the Honda place to get the code.

Well I thought "ok I can handle that, a few screws, pop out the radio, good to go". WRONG! There are like twenty bolts and I could only locate two and Hubs, no matter how many times I asked him, just never took the time to help me.

So yesterday, after months and months of singing to myself and listening to my MP3 player and driving in dead silence, I decided to heed the advice of my co-worker and call the Honda dealer just to see if they could help. And lo and be hold I am now listening to the wonderful local radio stations and my favorite band - Flyleaf.

And I didnt even have to spread my legs :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

RTT: Hopefully I linked this right

I really want to go on vacation. Very. Badly. I haven't been on a real vacation in probably 2 and a half years. I have taken days off work here and there and done a few weekend trips to not-so-far-away places but I want a real vacation. One where there is a beach or a mountain and lots of stuff to do for a whole week!

All of my friends are moving away! My best friend from high school moved to Connecticut last year, another friend moved to New Jersey a month or so ago and now my best friend since middle school is going to Tennessee in about a month! What is going on?? I am going to be basically all alone. I now have two friends left. I mean I want them to have a good life and do the things that make them happy but good Lord could you not do those things here? And with me?

Oh and by the way I don't make friends very easily. For some reason the female population doesn't take to me too well. I guess I get along better with guys (although this does cause trouble with the husband so I try not to make guy friends) and chicks seem to not like me because of that. Not to mention my trust issues. I keep friends at a distance for a while before I feel like I can trust them and some girls just cant put up with that, I guess. And its not easy to make friends that are single because I am married and have to act like I am. On the other hand all the married ladies don't usually end up as friends because they like to hang out as couples and that's just not how my husband and I work. So good friends are hard to find for me...

I have a bad habit of saying "just kidding" after joking with someone. I know they know I am playing around but for some reason I feel the need to keep saying it. Maybe I say it because I have such a need to please people that I have to make sure they know I am not serious. The most annoying part to me is that most everything I say I'm "just kidding" about so I say this A. LOT. Oh well...

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Men Are Never Depressed (and subsequently why women are)

Men Are Just Happier People--
What do you expect from such simple creatures?

-Your last name stays put.
-The garage is all yours.
-Wedding plans take care of themselves.
-Chocolate is just another snack.
-You can be President.
-You can never be pregnant.
-You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.
-Car mechanics tell you the truth.
-The world is your urinal.
-You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
-You only bleed when cut.
-You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt (righty tighty, lefty loosey).
-Same work, more pay.
-Wrinkles add character.
-Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.
-People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
-New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
-Large feet are attractive.
-One mood all the time (for most men excluding my husband).
-Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
-A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
-You can open all your own jars.
-You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
-If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
-Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
-Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
-You almost never have strap problems in public (although you do adjust and scratch other things in public and no one says anything).
-You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
-Everything on your face stays its original color.
-The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades (except for your mullet!).
-Salt and pepper colored hair is sexy and distinguished.
-You only have to shave your face and neck (again unless you are my husband and hate any kind of hair altogether) .
-You can play with toys all your life.
-One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons and life, usually.
-You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
-You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife.
-You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache (but please choose not to, that's just my opinion).
-You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Randomness of Tuesday

~Is it possible to call a radio station and request them to NOT play a certain song *cough mileycirustheclimb cough*?
I am hardly musically trained or educated but I am also not tone deaf and I can totally hear when someone just can not sing. And I especially hate it when someone that can not sing gets paid millions and millions of dollars to do it! WOW guess its all about who you know and how you put yourself out there.

~Fat people truly disgust me. Now, you on the couch with a bag of chips, don't go getting all offended (even though no one reads my blog I can pretend)because I am not talking about a little over weight or pudgy in some areas, no I mean obese. Especially when the obese person doesn't do anything about their obvious problem instead they flaunt it. If you are still offended maybe you should go get checked out by a doctor, they will let you know if you have a weight problem.

~On that same note, I would love to be a personal trainer. I like to work out and I think everyone would too if given the right instruction and training and motivation. Motivation being key.
Now I am no where near in great physical shape and I have trouble with endurance but these things aren't necessary to look healthy and fell good. That's where I think people start to get discouraged. They go to the gym and see all these meat head body builders or distance runners and suddenly see their goal of being able to run for five minutes as stupid or out of reach. Then they get paired with a trainer that is also in amazing shape and doesn't know how to work a larger or out of shape person or get them motivated. So the person never makes it back to the gym thinking that they can manage at home and the downward spiral keeps on going.
I would love to help these people! If only I had the time, resources, money to get started.

~My dog is ruining my apartment. Period. He is making me lose $300. And I'm pretty pissed about that.

Well that's really all I've got so Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh soooo confused...

So here is the most recent conversation that went on between me and Hubs at about 10 am via text messages:

Hubs: Lets have a baby!

Me: What? Well ok but how would that work out?

Hubs: What do you mean?

Me: Um that is just not what i ever expected u to say! I mean how would it work with [Crazy] and [the baby]

Hubs: I will still see [the baby]

Me: Ok um i want to have a baby with u i really do i just want our relationship to b good too

Hubs: Is that a no

Me: No thats not a no at all! Thats a yea i want to but i dont want to b a single mom

Hubs: Ok!

Me: Ok what does that mean???


*Wait, what just happened?? I am sooooo confused about the whole conversation, it blows my mind! Was he kidding or was he serious or was he delirious or going crazy or was he just thinking about his daughter and how much he loves her and how much better it would be if I were the mother of his child??? (I am hoping the latter of the options) And what does the "Ok!" mean? Does that mean Ok we will have a child and he wont leave me or does that mean Ok since you say that never mind about the whole baby thing? Ugh I am beyond confused. Why cant you read emotions on text messages!!?!?!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I would like some free smell please

So I love Liquid Highway. If you have never been there or don't have one where you live you are seriously missing out.
It's a sort of Starbucks-ish place except they are non-profit and give what they do make to a food bank.
I love their smell the most. For the past two days I have been working right beside one of these blessed stores and I get to smell them all day, for free! So the best things in life are free it turns out, as long as you get excited about and love the simple things in life.

I haven't posted all this week and I know all of my ZERO followers are just bummed. So here's an excuse why: I have been busy! Yes finally, I have some what of a life. The whole week I have, of course, worked (at three different places no less) but I have also been getting ready for a church convention in which I am singing. I sang last night and will sing again tonight and Saturday. So practice and performances have ruled the evenings this week which leaves little time to blog and/or think of anything of remote interest.

Monday, July 13, 2009

UGH I think I need to vent!

So my husband (Hubs), that I lived apart from for a little over a year, has been staying with me for the past few weeks. Things have been going ok for the most part (other than him not coming home until very late some of the time and him being very messy). We do have to keep it under wraps for right now (which I don't agree with) because the mother (who I will now refer to as Crazy) of his daughter would seriously try to kill me and possibly not let my husband see his daughter. I have tried to get past it for the moment to keep the peace and so that we can work on our relationship which seems to be working a little at a time. But I am just getting so frustrated! And I think that he is as well.

I mean he is letting this stupid chick runs his life and, in turn, mine too! Crazy is basically holding his daughter over his head as some sort of bargaining pawn. If she even thinks that I am in close proximity to him she limits the time or place he can see his daughter. I have yet to meet the most important thing is his life because of her immaturity. She knows that he wants nothing to do with her as far as a relationship goes. She had her chance with him and she blew it. I am pretty sure that if she wasn't the bi%^& that she is we would be divorced and he would be with her now even if it were just for the child's sake. So why can Crazy just not let him go and move on from her?

I truly love my husband and honestly I just want him to be happy. If that isn't with me then I would want him to leave and move on and find someone that did make him happy. Why can she not be the same way?

Doesn't the saying go "If you love some one set them free and if they come back you know its meant to be" (or something to that effect)? Well I have done that and he has come back so its apparent to me that we are supposed to be together. Why does she have to get in the way of that?

And what makes it worse is his parents. They have seemed to turn against me all of the sudden. Ever since the baby was born they have totally cut me from their lives. They have even told some people that I am his ex. His mom has almost befriended Crazy too. She has taken her to dinner and had her and the baby over for Sunday lunch. Where was Hubs when all this was going on? With me. He has even told them not to talk to her.

Its almost like they want what has worked for them to work for Hubs as well.
See Hubs' mom got pregnant by his dad before they got married and they are still together almost 30 years later. But that is very rare and doesn't work for everyone. I am pretty sure it wont work for them because for one he cant stand to be around her and for two ME.

We are still married and aren't even legally separated. Not to mention we have no money for divorce. Even if I had the money I would be more likely to help him fight for custody of the baby than pay for a divorce.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Funnies

Got this story in an email and it has to be shared! Its totally something that would happen to me but it hasn't exactly yet...

The Washcloth:

I was due for an appointment with the gynecologist later in the week.
Early one morning, I received a call from the doctor's office to tell me that I had been rescheduled for that morning at 9:30 am. I had only just packed everyone off to work and school, and it was already around 8:45 am. The trip to his office took about 35 minutes, so I didn't have any time to spare.
As most women do, I like to take a little extra effort over hygiene when making such visits, but this time I wasn't going to be able to make the full effort. So, I rushed upstairs, threw off my pajamas, wet the washcloth that was sitting next to the sink, and gave myself a quick wash in that area to make sure I was at least presentable. I threw the washcloth in the clothes basket, donned some clothes, hopped in the car and raced to my appointment.

I was in the waiting room for only a few minutes when I was called in. Knowing the procedure, as I'm sure you do, I hopped up on the table, looked over at the other side of the room and pretended that I was in Paris or some other place a million miles away.

I was a little surprised when the doctor said, "My, we have made an extra effort this morning, haven't we?"
I didn't respond. After the appointment, I heaved a sigh of relief and went home.
The rest of the day was normal...some shopping, cleaning, cooking.

After school when my 6 year old daughter was playing, she called out from the bathroom, "Mommy, where's my washcloth?" I told her to get another one from the cupboard. She replied, "No, I need the one that was here by the sink, it had all my glitter and sparkles saved inside it."

NEVER going back to that doctor ever!!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

What I Really Do At Work

So Miss B (best friend) and I were emailing back and forth today and got on the subject of what she wants in a guy. See she is newly divorced from my cousin (yeah I know that's strange) and has been talking with some different guys and just cant seem to find what she is looking for. She has talked to some really creepy guys and some ok guys just not ready for a relationship, tall guys and too- short- for- her- guys, high school sweet hearts and men old enough to be her dad... the list goes on. So I made her her "perfect guy" list of must haves:

Bad Ass (not to be confused with an assh***)
Nice Body
Not Married
Preferably a Dad

then I thought of some more:

(insert eye color) - Green/blue
(insert hair color) - anything but red
Nice Dresser
Not Gay (or Metro)
Nice Car
Good Job
No Crazy Family

I am sure the list could go on for days but basically the point was to show her how picky she is being! I mean really, I don't mind some higher standards but having a height requirement (at least 6') is a little excessive! So after the list I told her that we could just lump all of this together in to a phrase-- Perfectly Impossible. She agreed but is still hopeful LOL!

Then I got to emailing another work friend of mine (we can call her Berger) about a "fight" she had. She is newly married, less than a year, and they are trying to have a bebe. Every time they do the deed they put a quarter into a jar to keep track and to save some money. Well the roll of quarters Berger had purchased for this sole purpose was empty and she knew they hadn't had sex 40 times already! So of course the culprit was her hubby and he bought a candy bar with the change and couldn't understand why she was so upset about some quarters! So she told him that she had written "sex" on every quarter trying to make him feel bad which didn't work because he is a typical man. Well that was it! That was the end of their so called fight! I mean where was all the yelling and slamming doors and kicking walls (yes, I have done both and more)?? So I told her that they really needed to have a knock down drag out fight about something pointless so that they can have really good make up sex. I think that may be the best way to conceive. Screw all the fertility drugs she's on (Clomid shlomid) and all the endometreosis surgeries she's had just get into a good quality quarrel. Maybe the stress will make the sperm swim faster.

Yeah basically I have meaningless conversations with friends on work time but that's what gets the job done, I promise!

Happy Thursday

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Random Tuesday Thoughts

I used to feel like I fit in with the hubby's family. They liked me and I was always went to the family functions and get togethers. But for the past 4 months or so (basically ever since the baby as born) I have been the total outcast. Its almost like they think that my husband should be with the child's mother! This totally blows me away because I have done nothing but be there for my husband and for his family too. His mother has even befriended the baby mama. I mean really they are sort of alike in their moodiness but his mother has way more class than that (more on this later since this is supposed to be random).

Any who, that just makes me love my family even more!

Took the puppy Drake on his first official outing yesterday to my Dad's softball game. It wasn't a total disaster but he pretty much hates the leash.

I guess I would hate something around my neck pulling me too...

Fat people who realized they are overweight are fine with me. But fat people that know that they are fat and make every joke possible about them selves are just plain annoying. Making fun of yourself is just sad to me.

For some odd reason I really want to be in a wedding or at least go to one soon. Wish my brother and his girlfriend would go ahead and just get married already.

So guess that's it. Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

AHHH weekends!

Ya know here lately it seems that instead of resting up on the weekends from working all week I have been resting on the weekdays to gear up for the weekends! Which, in my book, is just fine.

This weekend to celebrate our country's Independence me and Miss B went to Six Flags Over Georgia! We had an absolute blast and probably spent too much money, but it was well worth it. That is until this morning when I had cramps in my calves. I promise we walked 4 miles, no joke. And can I just say that if you go to a theme park like this splurge on the flash/fast pass thing so you don't have to wait in god awful lines all day. It is totally worth the money to get to ride the newest best roller coaster there six times! We wanted to stay until the big fireworks show but getting up at 4:45 am (yeah I know that's wayyyy early) paired with the heat and walking all day just didn't allow my body to function past 8 pm, so we left and just watched fireworks on the way back home while trying not to nod off.

Needless to say Sunday was just as the good Lord intended it, a day of rest. I didn't even make it to church (sorry God) and didn't get out of bed until 11 and that was just because I was hungry!

Hope the 4th was great for everyone!

Happy Monday