Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random Random Random...Tuesday Thoughts

An older lady came in to the bank today with her daughter to make a withdrawal. It was so sad because the mother was totally out of her mind (like dementia, I'm totally not making fun of her). I have a great aunt that is suffering from some type of dementia and I cant imagine what she and her immediate family is going through. And it got me thinking... I don't want to live with or die from something like Alzheimer's or dementia. I hope and pray that this never awful disease never effects me.


Ok the above statement sounds really selfish, so in that case I will hope and pray for you too.


Speaking of dying, those Lucinda Bassett commercials on the radio make me want to gouge my eyeballs out with spoons and swallow them (which would probably kill me)! She is doing a commercial for depression, stress, anxiety and she sounds so freaking depressed herself! I mean really she could at least pretend to be happy so that people would want to buy this junk.


K so I googled Lucinda Bassett and in the first few things that came up it said Lucinda Bassett scam... yeah that should let ya know something right there.


Cant wait until Friday so that my extra long birthday weekend can start. Don't really have plans yet but I am sure laying on the couch watching HGTV and TLC will be sooooo much better than working.


I do believe that I have a true addiction to home improvement/design/cake making/food challenges/makeovers/anything that comes on TLC (except for Baby Story and those medical mystery shows) and HGTV.

Maybe Lucinda Bassett can help me.

Probably all that she would have to do is start to talk to me in that low mono-tone voice and I would surrender just so she would stop.

Happy Tuesday!

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